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Understanding chromatic aberration

Aug 15, 2024    photography 
Lets understand why we see purple or green lines around edges in bright daylight photos. And how can we prevent that from happening.

Creating first AWS Lambda function

Jul 1, 2024    aws  nodejs 
Hello world is just pointless. Let’s dive into creating a real-world lambda function for building a web scraping tool.

Quickly arrange Multiple Windows in MacOS Using Applescript and automator

Jun 18, 2024   
Arrange multiple terminal windows in macOS quickly using Automator with some applescript

Create a local copy of Ghost JS production site

Jun 9, 2024    web  javascript  hosting 
How to replicate a ghostjs production installation including images

Customizing hugo theme for my blog

May 31, 2024    web  html 
Customizations and enhancements I implemented in my hugo theme

Forward emails from custom domain to gmail

May 25, 2024    web  email 
How to forward emails sent to your custom domain to your gmail

Migrating from Digital Ocean to Netlify

May 24, 2024    web  dns 
Final steps while migrating my DigitalOcean hosted website to Netlify.

Creating a static site with hugo

May 18, 2024    web  html 
Why I chose hugo and what all I did to convert my ghostjs website to a static website.

Why I chose hugo static site generator for my blog

May 17, 2024    web  html  hugo 
What were the top reasons which made me choose Hugo over other static site generators for my blog

Learning Nodejs distributed systems Part 1

Feb 23, 2024    javascript 
I read one of the best books for nodejs - Distributed systems with node js by Thomas Hunter II. Documenting the learning here for quick reference.

Learning Typescript in 2023 part 4 - Advanced typing

Feb 23, 2024    typescript  javascript  nodejs 
In this article we will learn about some advanced typing constructs in TS.

Learning Typescript in 2023 part 3 - Classes and Interfaces

Feb 23, 2024    typescript  javascript  nodejs 
In this article we will understand how we can build classes and interfaces in typescript

Learning Typescript in 2023 part 2 - Configuration

Feb 23, 2024    typescript  javascript  nodejs 
In this article we will learn about Typescript configuration and various options provided to make our life easier while coding.

Playing days gone

Feb 16, 2024    gaming 
This is my experience of playing Days Gone including what did I enjoy and what I didn’t like.

The hazard light confusion on Indian roads

Feb 6, 2024    opinion  traffic 
This post is about my experience of using Hazard Lights or Double indicators (as what we call it in India) in traffic. I also present some authentic guidelines from Motor vehicle act.

How to open website in fullscreen

May 13, 2023    javascript  web 
In this article we will learn about how we can enable fullscreen in a web app. We will also learn its side effects and issues.

Learning Typescript in 2023 part 1 - Basics

May 12, 2023    typescript  javascript  nodejs 
Learning typescript part-1. Just making a post on learning typescript in 2023 from scratch.

Trending work from home and part time job scam

May 6, 2023    scam  wfh 
In this article I discuss about the “modus operandi” for the ongoing Work from home scam which is mostly targetted to urban people.

Using AWS S3 for photos backup

Oct 30, 2022    aws  photos 
Using AWS S3 as a cloud storage backup solution for personal photos and videos collection. A cheap alternative for apps like Google photos, unsplash, flickr, dropbox etc.

Should I accept or reject cookies?

Oct 14, 2022    web  browsers 
What is a cookie? Should you accept or reject them; Does it make any sense to reject a cookie? And are cookies really files?

Learning to fly on Microsoft Flight Simulator

Jun 19, 2022    gaming 
Learning to fly on Microsoft Flight Simulator. From basic VFR in cessna to commercial IFR including VOR, ILS, RNAV and auto pilot.

A complete guide to AMD eyefinity

Mar 26, 2022    gaming 
Complete guide to using AMD eyefinity multimonitor setup

How authentication works?

Jan 30, 2022    web 
Lets learn about authentication in depth. At least the shallow depth that I can cover.

Win a tata nexon for free - a quick analysis of the scam

Oct 6, 2021    scams 
This article is about how people are scammed using simple sites and understanding a new technique that scammers employ to prevent fraud detection.

Debug chrome on android wirelessly from Macbook

Sep 26, 2021    android 
Debug webapps on chrome for android wirelessly from your Macbook.

Setup mysql and SQL Developer on macos

Aug 30, 2021    mysql 
Setup mysql server community edition with oracle SQL Developer on MacOS.

The contextual bias

Aug 22, 2021    opinion 
The excerpt for this article should not give you any context or should it.

Creating simple mock server using nodejs

Aug 11, 2021    nodejs 
While developing frontend apps we often need sample data. In this article I will share a very easy way to setup a mock-server using Nodejs native http module having enough flexibility required for custom logic.

Authentication vs Authorization

Apr 22, 2021    security  web 
Authentication vs Authorization

Setup simple analytics for Ghost blog using GoAccess

Apr 19, 2021    analytics 
How to setup native simple analytics on your ghost blog using GoAccess without third party plugins which could be blocked by many browsers and ad blockers.

Why phishing is still successful?

Mar 29, 2021    hacking 
Almost all organisations spread awareness about phishing to their employees and customers but do they really help? Here is my opinion on why those prevention tips are not useful for people.

Debug hackerearth challenges with nodejs

Mar 17, 2021    nodejs 
Setting up local environment to debug Hackerearth problems on local machine with standard input and file system

thisisunsafe - Bypassing chrome security warnings

Feb 17, 2021    security  web 
thisisunsafe is a way to bypass security errors on chrome. In this article I will discuss about its usage and implications.

Trying multi boot with Ventoy

Feb 5, 2021    linux  ventoy 
Ventoy is an open source tool to create multi boot USB drive with various operating systems like linux distros, windows etc. This post is about my experience of using the tool for the first time.

Understanding ISO in digital photography

Jan 23, 2021    photography 
Have you ever wondered what exactly changes when you modify the ISO setting in a digital camera?

Using SVG in React

Jan 9, 2021    react  svg 
There are many ways to use svg in React. We can directly use the svg as src in the img tag or we can create custom component to render the svg as paths in html. In this article we will create a simple React app using svg image.

A revisit to a classic game - XIII

Jan 5, 2021    gaming 
XIII(Say 13) had a place of its own in the gaming world. It was popular because of its comic styled artwork. Last year in November Microids released a remake of the original game.

Building a gaming PC in India

Dec 17, 2020    gaming  pc 
This article is about my experience of building a gaming PC in India. It lists my journey from initial search to assembling all the parts at home.

My take on cheap windows keys

Dec 15, 2020    opinion  windows 
Have you ever wondered how some retailers offer Microsoft Windows at unbelievable prices like Rs 700(5$). In this post I shall try to explore the reasons for these deep discounts and there genuineness.

Complete guide to file download in browsers

Dec 7, 2020    web  download 
Have you ever come across a requirement to create download functionality? This article will go over all the possible solutions.

Weird console.log behaviour

Nov 23, 2020    javascript 
In this article I shall try to explain the weird behaviour exhibited by console.log function. Logging values is not as easy as it sounds.

Do programmers need to learn touch typing?

Nov 20, 2020    opinion  typing 
Do programmers need to learn touch typing? In this article I will discuss about my experience learning touch typing as a programmer. What are the pros and cons if you want to write code.

Javascript developer learning Ruby part-1

Nov 17, 2020    ruby 
A Javascript developer learning ruby from scratch. In this article I will try to understand ruby and compare its features from a JS developer’s perspective.

My experience with google ads

Nov 16, 2020    google-ads  web 
First time experience of Adding google ads to my website.

Creating a simple static site generator using handlebars

Nov 10, 2020    nodejs  html 
How to create a simple html generator using handlebars and nodejs.

Playing with arrow functions

Nov 8, 2020    javascript  ES6 
Arrow functions added in ES6 provide a good replacement for function expressions. But do you understand them completely? This is a small test to check it out.

How to deploy multiple github repos on single netlify site

Nov 8, 2020    hosting 
Do you want to deploy multiple repositories under single hostname on netlify?

Extensions not working for firefox pdf viewer?

Nov 1, 2020    hosting 
In built pdf viewer Unlike chrome, firefox comes with a very versatile pdf viewer. When you open pdf links in firefox, the viewer loads the

Styling native html checkbox

Oct 10, 2020    html 
How to style html native controls like checkbox with css. Native elements can be styled using appearance property and ::before pseudo element.

FODS - Prevent flash of default style

Oct 7, 2020    html  css 
Flash of Default Style is the issue which occurs when your user preferences take time to load and the web browser ends up showing the content with default styles for a flash of time.

javascript : void (0)

Oct 1, 2020    javascript 
Flash of Default Style is the issue which occurs when your user preferences take time to load and the web browser ends up showing the content with default styles for a flash of time.

How to add gradient animation as site header in ghost blog

Oct 1, 2020    css 
Add simple background gradient animation to website header

What is recursion?

Sep 15, 2020    programming 
Learn recursion.

Add PWA support to ghost blog

Sep 12, 2020    javascript  pwa 
Convert your ghost blog into a progressive web app. PWA enables your site to be installed on device and run as standalone native application instead of a browser.

Understanding Javascript hoisting

Sep 11, 2020    javascript 
Hoisting is an advanced and difficult to understand concept of Javascript. It becomes more challenging to follow when you deal with multiple scopes and declarations.

My experience with a gaming wheel

Aug 21, 2020    gaming 
If you like to play fast-paced racing games and want to experience realistic handling and controls, the answer is a racing wheel. I will talk about my first hand experience of using a Logitech G29 wheel.

Understanding IIFE - Immediately Invoked Function Expression

Aug 3, 2020    javascript 
IIFE is an advanced design pattern used in Javascript. Because of the quirky syntax and how functions work in javascript, its a little difficult to understand concept.

How to add custom static pages to ghost blog

Jul 28, 2020    ghostjs  html 
Ever in need of adding custom pages to your ghost blog integrated with your theme and menus. Here I present a step by step guide to add pages with minimal effort.

Study of a phishing attack

Jul 14, 2020    web  security 
Detailed study of recent phishing attack using fake paytm KYC message. This is an in-depth analysis from a developer's point of view.

What is http, https and why some sites start with www?

Jul 11, 2020    web  security 
This article explains two common questions - What is the difference between http and https. Why do some websites start with www while some do not.

Website performance analysis

Jul 11, 2020    web 
Done setting up your website? Its time to analyse its performance. If you are a business, then probably you could afford an automation team which can build up various test scenarios. But what about if you are an independent blogger or can’t afford to hire people to do performance testing on your website.

Ghost casper theme customizations

Jul 7, 2020    ghostjs  javascript 
Here are a few things that everybody should do after setting up a new ghost blog. Some are optional and some are recommended. This list will expand with time.
feature-image is now

Jul 3, 2020    ghostjs  hosting 
A quick guide on how to update the domain name on a self hosted ghost blog with automatic SSL configuration.

Mudrunner - Not a review

Jul 2, 2020    gaming  hosting 
A brief review about a simulation game Mudrunner. Take this as more of a beginner’s experience which might help people understand the game(Simulator).

My experience with multi monitor setup

Jun 4, 2020    gaming 
Now a days connecting multiple displays to a system is common and has evolved a lot over the years. For example if you are connected

My quest to understand how IOT works?

Apr 28, 2020    iot 
Now a days connecting multiple displays to a system is common and has evolved a lot over the years. For example if you are connected

Analyse your blog speed with google developer console

Apr 26, 2020    web 
You have created a new website. Maybe a blog or a small ecommerce site or your portfolio with the projects you have worked on. You want to see how your site would behave in real world i.e. on the various browsers on different platforms like desktop/mobile/tablets etc.

The curious case of Javascript's typeof operator

Apr 26, 2020    javascript 
As we all know Javascript is weakly typed language and in general we don’t consider the type beforehand and just var it. Variables in JavaScript

Book Review : You don't know JS yet

Apr 7, 2020    javascript 
Though I have read the previous editions of the series. Here is a formal review of the Book “You don’t know” JS by Kyle Simpson.

Javascript property descriptors

Feb 3, 2020    javascript 
We all know Javascript is all about objects and functions. And an object is just a collection of properties. And of course every function

Playing with markdown

Jan 30, 2020    markdown 
After spending hours in configuring this blog its time to show some creativity. But before that there is one more thing to learn Learning Markdown

A quick review of

Jan 27, 2020    web 
Recently we visited the Kanha tiger reserve which is located within Kanha region in Madhya Pradesh, India. The bookings can be done via government website.

Duck Duck Go

Jan 27, 2020    web 
DuckDuckGo (DDG) is an internet search engine [] that emphasizes protecting searchers'


Jan 27, 2020    web 
Google Chrome is a cross-platform web browser developed by Google.

Are we safe on internet?

Jan 26, 2020    web 
These days internet has become a part of our life. For every task, for every question we tend to resolve it via internet. For those

Javascript or Ecmascript?

Jan 26, 2020    javascript 
Ever got confused when the interviewer asked: Have you worked on ES6?

Ghost it or not!

Jan 26, 2020    hosting 
I always wanted to have a personal blog so I started looking out for options. One of the options was to create one. My requirement was just to have a working site where people can read articles and probably can comment on.