

Creating first AWS Lambda function

Jul 1, 2024    aws  nodejs 
Hello world is just pointless. Let’s dive into creating a real-world lambda function for building a web scraping tool.

Learning Typescript in 2023 part 4 - Advanced typing

Feb 23, 2024    typescript  javascript  nodejs 
In this article we will learn about some advanced typing constructs in TS.

Learning Typescript in 2023 part 3 - Classes and Interfaces

Feb 23, 2024    typescript  javascript  nodejs 
In this article we will understand how we can build classes and interfaces in typescript

Learning Typescript in 2023 part 2 - Configuration

Feb 23, 2024    typescript  javascript  nodejs 
In this article we will learn about Typescript configuration and various options provided to make our life easier while coding.

Learning Typescript in 2023 part 1 - Basics

May 12, 2023    typescript  javascript  nodejs 
Learning typescript part-1. Just making a post on learning typescript in 2023 from scratch.

Creating simple mock server using nodejs

Aug 11, 2021    nodejs 
While developing frontend apps we often need sample data. In this article I will share a very easy way to setup a mock-server using Nodejs native http module having enough flexibility required for custom logic.

Debug hackerearth challenges with nodejs

Mar 17, 2021    nodejs 
Setting up local environment to debug Hackerearth problems on local machine with standard input and file system

Creating a simple static site generator using handlebars

Nov 10, 2020    nodejs  html 
How to create a simple html generator using handlebars and nodejs.