I write about my learning and experiences here. This site is generated from markdown content. Read more about how I migrated my blog from paid ghost instance to free static site using Hugo generator.

Why I chose hugo static site generator for my blog
What were the top reasons which made me choose Hugo over other static site generators for my blog

Learning Nodejs distributed systems Part 1
I read one of the best books for nodejs - Distributed systems with node js by Thomas Hunter II. Documenting the learning here for quick reference.

Learning Typescript in 2023 part 4 - Advanced typing
In this article we will learn about some advanced typing constructs in TS.

Learning Typescript in 2023 part 3 - Classes and Interfaces
In this article we will understand how we can build classes and interfaces in typescript

Learning Typescript in 2023 part 2 - Configuration
In this article we will learn about Typescript configuration and various options provided to make our life easier while coding.

Playing days gone
This is my experience of playing Days Gone including what did I enjoy and what I didn’t like.

The hazard light confusion on Indian roads
This post is about my experience of using Hazard Lights or Double indicators (as what we call it in India) in traffic. I also present some authentic guidelines from Motor vehicle act.

How to open website in fullscreen
In this article we will learn about how we can enable fullscreen in a web app. We will also learn its side effects and issues.

Learning Typescript in 2023 part 1 - Basics
Learning typescript part-1. Just making a post on learning typescript in 2023 from scratch.

Trending work from home and part time job scam
In this article I discuss about the “modus operandi” for the ongoing Work from home scam which is mostly targetted to urban people.